Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Martian

  The Martian

By Noah

The horrified astronaut could hear his quickened breathing echoing loudly in his helmet. He could scarcely believe that he was face to face with an extra-terrestria being. The horror of the Martian’s appearance had shaken him to the core; he stood stock-still, incapable of movement. The martian unscrewed his helmet the astronaut was panicking that he couldn't breathe but all of a sudden he could breathe there must be a stable atmosphere The Martian pulled out a translator and spoken to it and it translated into English the Martian said welcome to the Peaceful planet  Yavin 4. I have two questions who are you and what are you doing here and the astronaut explained what he was doing and why he got some gas from the martians and heated back to Earth told  his Commander what happened and no one believe him

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