Thursday, November 26, 2020

The great T Rex Hunt

 The great T Rex Hunt

By Noah 24.7

Once Upon a Time, an angry clown was hunting a T-Rex. Because it ate his clown wife the angry clown was armed with juggling balls. He was throwing them at the T-Rex. The T-Rex ran straight through the accident and emergency Centre. the angry clown  called on doctors  to help him because it was an emergency so an entire Army doctors and a clown wheir chasing a t-rex all across the world New Zealand, Australia … thay ran to the Himalayas one of the doctors got some help from a yeti so now the the t-rex was running from an Army of doctors, an angry clown and a yeti at Greenland the T-Rex gave up the T- rex was so tired he to sleep for two years. The great T-Rex Hunt was over, they celebrated, put heaps of champagne, the was not angry anymore because he got his wife back.



 Quick Write 19/8/20

by Noah T

Once upon a time a guy named Kupe went to New Zealand but there was no North Island. 

So Kupe got his magical fishing hook and threw it underwater (klik!) 

It hit something. Kupe was pleased so he brought his hook up and it pulled up an Island.
But someone else wanted the island. The great but small sticky stick insect riding his super battle Moa wanted the island too. So it was the fight of the Ages - Kupe v the sticky stick insect riding his battle Moa. the sticky stick insect (or S.S.T. for short) shot rockets from his rocket launchers on the Moa. Kupe narrowly got away and hid in a nearby cave. Oooooooo ooooooo o  Oo oo ooh  - a ghost was in there.  Then he realised it was S.S.T trying to scare him out. Kupe accidentally found a secret compartment in the cave through the secret passage and hid. He realised it was an armory -

every type of gun and bombs were in there.

He got a rocket launcher, sneaked out and shot a rocket at S.S.T. It blew him all the way to the South Island!!!!!

Term 4 prayer


stuff about St Peter

Maori words for careers

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Martian

  The Martian

By Noah

The horrified astronaut could hear his quickened breathing echoing loudly in his helmet. He could scarcely believe that he was face to face with an extra-terrestria being. The horror of the Martian’s appearance had shaken him to the core; he stood stock-still, incapable of movement. The martian unscrewed his helmet the astronaut was panicking that he couldn't breathe but all of a sudden he could breathe there must be a stable atmosphere The Martian pulled out a translator and spoken to it and it translated into English the Martian said welcome to the Peaceful planet  Yavin 4. I have two questions who are you and what are you doing here and the astronaut explained what he was doing and why he got some gas from the martians and heated back to Earth told  his Commander what happened and no one believe him

Transferotron 4000

Transferotron 4000

 BY Noah

With a blinding flash of light, Professor Scriffle found himself being transported through time to a futuristic land that defied all belief. He felt a bizarre mixture of panic and pride. His Transferotron 4000 had finally proved all his doubters wrong: time travel was indeed possible. He looked around at the 7 huge purple Mountains, Black water and yellow grass. He pulled out his picture-o-Ultron 20000 . It takes a photo in 3D and in 360 degree view.  “BOOMMM BOMMM” something big was coming his way it was a giant yellow, angry Kaiju a yellow walking two-legged fire breathing monster  it turned the 7 Mountains into 5 Mountains by squishing them under his feet ,Professor Scriffle quickly jumped in his Transferotron 4000 and Zapped back to his time of year 2658 “I am not going back there”  thought Professor scuffle and locked up his Transferotron 4000 so no one   would  to use it again 



By Noah

The emergency alarms rang loudly around the spacecraft. The crew looked out of the shuttle window to see an unidentified object approaching them at warp speed. There was no time to change direction and impact was imminent. “CCCCRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNCCCHHHHHH !!! “move to the upper levels!! And take the cat as well ,” said Toby the crewmate. I will stay and shut the doors. “Toby you will die” said Tasja the scientist “I'm ready to die from my fellow crewmates” “REMEMBER ME” then ssswwwwoooppppp the door closed. The horrified Crew Witnessed their fellow crewmate being sucked into the void of space. The emergency alarms slowly died “down we're safe for now” said John the first mate “but we're on course for the hostile planet Alderaan” said  Bryalee the navigator then WAAA WAAA WAAA the alarm rang loudly again 5 minutes to impact said the robotic voice throughout the ship like “I said where on a crash course of  Alderaan” “5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” BBBBOOOOOMMMMM they had crashed on Alderaan “ARGH” the cerw groaned the crew staggered out of a ship “don’t forget the cat” said Noah the captain john ran and go the cat before the ship exploded I'll go ahead and find a place to sleep if we need it ok dougal walked off to find a cave to sleep in  then “AAAAGGGGGGG NO NO NOOOOOO” dougal got eaten by a tricep-a-rhonus oh no Said Bryalee the navigator “what's that” said John the first mate John  that's a portal let's go in it ok 

mmnmnmnmmmnn they appear back on the earth “what happened” said the safety manager it's a long story said Noah the captain. 

______________THE END_______________

Monday, November 16, 2020

Quick write the wasp Bombard

Quick write the wasp Bombard
 Noah Once Upon a Time there was a Swarm of poison wasps who would try to get a piece of hair off people and the wasp loved angry clown's hair, So they could make a nest of hair. People were going bold very fast so 1 army veteran was determined to put a stop to this boldness. It was grandma the great she called herself she set up an Army camp with so help from the folks at the old folks home. she made air mine's to stop them for her one piece of hair she had left it was war day incoming said Grandpa Grenada Fire shouted grandma boomm booomm the wasps getting blown up by the Air mines retreat said the wasps we will come back for revenge the wasp did not come for two days they will Gather in the other wasp tribes blimey that's a big one Said Rosie rifle she was right it was the Queen wasp on no.
 to continued