By Noah
The emergency alarms rang loudly around the spacecraft. The crew looked out of the shuttle window to see an unidentified object approaching them at warp speed. There was no time to change direction and impact was imminent. “CCCCRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNCCCHHHHHH !!! “move to the upper levels!! And take the cat as well ,” said Toby the crewmate. I will stay and shut the doors. “Toby you will die” said Tasja the scientist “I'm ready to die from my fellow crewmates” “REMEMBER ME” then ssswwwwoooppppp the door closed. The horrified Crew Witnessed their fellow crewmate being sucked into the void of space. The emergency alarms slowly died “down we're safe for now” said John the first mate “but we're on course for the hostile planet Alderaan” said Bryalee the navigator then WAAA WAAA WAAA the alarm rang loudly again 5 minutes to impact said the robotic voice throughout the ship like “I said where on a crash course of Alderaan” “5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” BBBBOOOOOMMMMM they had crashed on Alderaan “ARGH” the cerw groaned the crew staggered out of a ship “don’t forget the cat” said Noah the captain john ran and go the cat before the ship exploded I'll go ahead and find a place to sleep if we need it ok dougal walked off to find a cave to sleep in then “AAAAGGGGGGG NO NO NOOOOOO” dougal got eaten by a tricep-a-rhonus oh no Said Bryalee the navigator “what's that” said John the first mate John that's a portal let's go in it ok
mmnmnmnmmmnn they appear back on the earth “what happened” said the safety manager it's a long story said Noah the captain.
______________THE END_______________
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